Church Development

This service comprises of all assistance rendered to churches in order to ensure that a befitting place of worship is provided for worshipers.

a)    Purchase of Land: This is usually done in very special cases,i.e cases where a church building is needed in a very populated area as this promises to attract promises to increase the number of prospective converts.

b)    Building of Church: This service attracts churches whose congregation is in dire need of a place to worship. This is also done in special cases.

c)    Building of Lamb Shelter: This service is usually extended to newly entered areas and also churches that have a land but have insufficient funds to erect a befitting church.

d)    Church Roofing: In some cases, some church may have built the church up to the lentil thus would require only assistance to wards the roofing and finishing, thus SDF would assist based on the availability of funds.

e)    Donation of Music Materials: Musical equipment such as piano, drum set, guitar e.t.c is donated to churches subject to budget provision.

f)    Donation of Finishing Materials: Materials such as lamp holders, wall brackets, windows, doors, electrical and plumbing materials inclusive is supplied to churches for proper finishing of the churches

g)    Building of Parsonage: Financial assistance is also provided towards the erecting of houses for resident pastors of the church.

h)    Building of Student Fellowship Centre: This category extends to University/ Polytechnic fellowship centres, majorly for public universities and polytechnics in Nigeria.